Asymptosis: always approaching
Pubs and Economic Opportunity: Not
I’ve blogged about this before, but I need to pass on another piece of proof, courtesy of Matthew Yglesias. Adopting one of the free-marketers’ favorite mantras: a good economic system allocates resources to create the greatest prosperity for all. (It’s a sum function.) That includes human resources: people’s talents are directed where they’re most effective…
Tea Partiers: Old, White, Rich, Educated Men
That’s not the whole tea party, of course. But tea partiers skew strongly on each of these dimensions, according to a new NYT/CBS poll. I just think it’s worth pointing out that that group has benefited more than any other from the government policies that were put in place before their births and while they…
Do Experts Know Better?
My friend Steve likes to proclaim the value of casual intuition — based on one’s day-to-day observations over the course of life — and downplay the value of expertise, analysis, and data in making good judgments. Among other things, he defends Sarah Palin and other less-thinkerly politicians on these grounds. He also points to Robert…
Change Your Goddam Voice Mail Message! (Pass It On)
Starting today, your outgoing voice mail message should start (and quite possibly end) with: Hi this is [insert your name here]. Press [star or pound] to leave a message. I probably don’t have to explain why. But I will. 1. Everybody hates waiting through your message, and they really hate waiting through the instructions on…
Stockman: Was It Reagan’s Fault?
I finally got around to reading (large chunks of) David Stockman’s book on the rise of Reaganomics. Having done so, I realize I could have learned everything I needed from the back cover: There’s only one thing I disagree with here: “…it had not been his fault. He had been misled by a crew of…
Incarceration and Unemployment: U.S. and Europe
Ever since Bryan offered this bet on future unemployment rates in the U.S. and Europe, I’ve been wondering: how do incarceration rates affect those numbers? Europe has consistently higher unemployment than the U.S., but the U.S. has far and away the highest incarceration rate in the world — .75% of the population. (World Prison Population…
Delight and Abject Dismay on Richard Dawkins’ Birthday
Another of those convergences: I just joined the Richard Dawkins group on Facebook, and discovered that today is his birthday. (Happy birthday sir!) It’s a convergence because over the last week I’ve been horribly dismayed. After decades of near hero-worship on my part, I’ve discovered that he is not acting as the man I’ve always…
For those of you who were beginning to wonder…
“As debate over the dimensions of Obama’s package snaked through the House…” Source. Related posts: Gaming McCain’s Game Economist Readers: Obama Landslide This Time Mankiw’s Just Plain Lying. And He Knows It. Why Did Edwards Quit? Red-State Teat-Sucking Rendered Invisible. Conservatives Howl Tyranny.
The Brain-Dead 29%
What do you think, is this the same 29% that were still Bush-boosters in 2008? AFTER HEARING THE ARGUMENTS FOR AND AGAINST THE PROPOSED [FINANCIAL] REFORMS, VOTER SUPPORT FOR LEGISLATION INCREASED At the start of the survey, 29% opposed reform, and 40% supported it. After details were explained and arguments for and against reform described,…
Can John Gottman Predict Divorce? (Probably Not.)
Update: Instead of saying “Probably Not” in the title, I probably should have said “We have no idea.” Being a Seattle parent with kids in private schools, I’ve been assailed for years by pronouncements and lectures by and about the Seattle-based Gottman Institute (tagline: “Researching and Restoring Relationships”). Their most widely known claim is their…
Is Altruism Inevitable?
In one of those wonderful confluences, two items just came together for me. I read The Social Atom by Mark Buchanan, and my friend Steve posted a link to an Economist piece on evolution, fairness, markets, and religion. It all circulates around a central conundrum that evolutionists (including Darwin) have been worrying at since Darwin:…
Do Moral Intuitions Change in Different Situations?
In response the Jonathan Haidt’s comment on Bryan’s post: One of my biggest questions about Haidt’s work: are people’s moral intuitions consistent across different situations? We know that behavior is often not generalized across situations. i.e. interventions in children’s homes/families have little or no effect on their behavior at school. I wonder if survey choices…
Just to Be Really Clear: Why I Hate Avatar
Jonathan Haidt asks on his blog: “Can anyone understand Avatar who lacks all intuitions of purity/sanctity?” He’s talking about the sanctity of nature, and of spirituality, as against corporate, consumerist, and militarist values. My answer is “Yes.” I (a devoted liberal with a “Liberal Purity” score of 1.0–compared to Libs’ 2.7 and Cons’ 2.1) understand…
Is Honesty a Conservative Moral Value?
I mean cap-C Conservative. Do Conservatives and Republicans value honesty? I ask in the context of Jonathan Haidt’s research into moral spheres, and which spheres are important to different political groups. (Blogged here and here.) In response to Haidt’s $1,000 challenge for people to come up with additions to his five spheres, Tim Dean proposes…
Libertarians, Republicans, and Democrats: New Findings on Morality, Empathy, and Sympathy
Will Wilkinson returns me to a subject of fascination to me — the different moral weightings employed by Republicans and Democrats — and points out new findings about the moral weightings of Libertarians. To recap a previous post on research by Jonathan Haidt, as recounted in an article by Steven Pinker: Republicans care equally about…
Recessions Make Americans Lazy!
People are obviously unemployed because they want to be. The Big Picture » Blog Archive » An Epidemic of Laziness?. Update: More data here. Related posts: Getting In and Out of Unemployment: 1967 to 2011 Meritocratic Opportunity: On the Decline Do You See a Pattern Here? Tea Partiers and OWSers: Who Needs to Get a…
Can Rich People Provide all the Necessary Demand?
If an increasing number of people in America are not capable of doing economically viable work (because they don’t have the “knowledge skills” or the wherewithal to acquire them)–and as a result can’t contribute to the log-rolling exercise that is our economy by spending and providing demand for producers–is it a problem? Can rich people…
Do Parents Matter? Does it Matter?
I can’t believe I’ve never posted about Judith Rich Harris, who undoubtedly ranks as at least a significant demigod in my personal pantheon. Judy–a largely uncredentialed indy in her house in suburban New Jersey–pretty much single-handedly obliterated the notion that parenting is what causes us to be fxxxed up, and that parents in fact have…
Robin Hanson’s Reply to the Luddites
Update: I am an idiot. (You could have found that out by asking my daughters.) Curt Gardner is nice enough to point out in the comments that “the book you link to is not Robin Hansen’s, but that of his GMU colleague Tyler Cowen.” I do get the two confused at times, this being a…
Is Swiss Health Care a Good Model for Ours?
While perusing Arnold Kling’s post for my previous, I came across the following, which simply cannot go unchallenged: …why not try single-payer in one part of the country and radical deregulation in another? Switzerland, which is about the size of Maryland, has different health care systems in each of its 20-odd cantons, which are about…