Asymptosis: always approaching
Palin: “Only by empowering the individual will our economies be rescued.”
“When cronyism thrives, innovation, prosperity, and freedom suffer because small innovative firms get shoved outside,” she said. “Only by empowering the individual will our economies be rescued.” Funny that she doesn’t mention the opposite alternative — disempowering the cronies (politically and financially). Could that possibly be because she are one? via Slovakia rejects Euro bailout…
Is the Elasticity of Labor Demand at Zero?
I’m reminded of the joke about two ladies meeting at the races at Ascot. “Oh dahling,” says the first, “what a wonderful hat. Where did you get it?” The second, looking down her nose condescendingly and slightly embarrassed, sneers, “Dear, we have our hats.” Do American employers have all the workers they need or want given…
Savings Equals Investment Equals … Zero?
Update: See a follow-up post to this post and the comments, here. Randall Wray bills this image — in wonkish humor that I know many of my Modern Monetary Theory (MMT)-savvy readers will get — as “The Most Subversive Sign Seen at the ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Protest.” Love it! Which prompts me to finally publish this post,…
I’m actually not going where you might think based on this post’s title. I’ve been there often enough. Instead: In response to my post of this on Facebook, a friend of mine (yes, a real-world friend) writes: I am one of those people who has been severely affected by the job crisis. I am educated…
Quasi/Market Monetarists: Will You Tell Me a Story?
I was poking around in data as is my wont, sussing things out, and put the following graph together. It quite caught my eye. The five-year averages make it a lot easier to see the big picture. At first glance this looks like a profound secular shift in the economy. (Tyler Cowen: Wow, that is a…
A Brief History of Corporate Whining
Pretty much says it all… No related posts.
Regulatory uncertainty is killing business investment: ya right
Compared to, for instance, the Bush years, that hotbed of slashed regulations and rising business investment? Oh, wait. But hey: don’t let facts interfere with your fondest fantasies. Here’s the fairy story: …employment growth is sluggish because firms are turning down … opportunities to make goods and services that are profitable today (current sales are very profitable) because they fear…
Koch Brother Lures Hayek to America With…Social Security!
Yes, the depths of conservative hypocrisy are bottomless, but this really takes all. From The Nation (ht Brad Delong, emphasis mine): Koch invited Hayek to serve as the institute’s “distinguished senior scholar†… Hayek initially declined Koch’s offer … Hayek explains that he underwent gall bladder surgery in Austria earlier that year, which only heightened…
“The governments don’t rule the world. Goldman Sachs rules the world.”
BBC Speechless As Trader Tells Truth: “The Collapse Is Coming…And Goldman Rules The World” – YouTube. At 2:30: H/T: Steve Keen
Hayek: “I have always said that I am in favor of a minimum income for every person in the country.”
No related posts.
Why The Fed Hates Inflation More Than It Hates Unemployment
It’s really not complicated; the Fed is run by creditors: David Levey, a former managing director at Moody’s and another critic of Fed inaction, points out that banks often have more to lose from inflation than from unemployment. Inflation reduces the future value of the money that their debtors – homeowners, car buyers, small businesses and…
Rick Perry Got a D in Principles of Economics
His last semester of college. He was only taking one other course. GPA: 2.22 Rick Perrys Texas A&M Transcript. Related posts: McCain’s Steel Ceiling: Who Loves Ya, Baby? It Could Have Been My Kids. Or Yours. Engineering a Permanent Democratic Majority 1798: Congress Passes Socialized Medicine and Mandates Private Health Insurance Obama takes 62% in…
“The Reagan Revolution in One Graph”
Steve Randy Waldman’s tweet, pointing to this: Incredible Shrinking Workers’ Income | FrumForum. Here’s another look at it, from a couple of years back. Related posts: White Married Christians: The Decline and Fall of the GOP Does the Minimum Wage Increase Productivity? Did the Baby Boom Labor Force Surge Cause The Great Inflation?…
The macroeconomics of double pole dancing
If you’re like me you’ll only understand a third of this Nick Rowe post, and grasp the rest somewhat dimly. But it’s still required reading for (even amateur) money wonks, if nothing else for the video at the end. Worthwhile Canadian Initiative: The macroeconomics of double pole dancing. Related posts: Nick Rowe: “If it wasn’t…
Index the Payroll Tax to Unemployment?
I’ve been spouting for a long time that the Earned Income Tax Credit (our largest means-tested cash transfer program) should be indexed to unemployment, creating an automatic stabilizer in the economy. But Traders Crucible has what I’ve decided is a far better idea: index payroll taxes to unemployment — decreasing them during downturns and bringing…
Red States Sucking the Federal Teat
Just a reminder for all those red-state debt-ceiling hawks out there. Here’s where the debt came from: How do you think state budgets would look if all those in-the-red red states had to pay back all the federal money they’ve gotten from the prosperous blue states? Start this at the three-minute point: Related posts: “Its…
The Deal and the Dive: Using Occam’s Razor to Parse the Results
I don’t get why people make this so complicated. We got a deal. Stock market investors didn’t like the deal. Not surprising: It was a profoundly sh***y deal that ensures somewhere between sh***y growth and a second recession. (I guess stockholders believe in the stimulative effects of stimulative government spending…) End of explanation, no?* Except…
How’s That Confidence Fairy Thingy Workin’ Out for Youse Guys?
Dow down more than 400 points as market plunge continues – Related posts: Damn this guy sounds like me Screw the Rich to Protect Super-Rich Campaign Contributors? Study Sez: Rich States Are Full of Swingers Jim Manzi Disappoints on the Devastation of Lead and Crime Why is the militia clause there at all?
Yeah Right: Supply of Credit to Businesses Is a Big Problem
Click for source. Demand for credit continues to decline, while corporate (especially financial) cash balances are at an all-time high. What are supply-siders smoking? See here and the links therein for much more evidence of the same. Related posts: Don’t Like “Money Printing”? Then Stop Borrowing. Whip Inflation Now! Did I Mention Mentioning that It’s…
Does Reducing the Federal Debt Cause Financial Collapse?
Of all the reading in Modern Monetary Theory that I’ve been doing of late, perhaps the most eyebrow-raising paragraphs I’ve come across are these, from the redoubtable Randall Wray: With one brief exception, the federal government has been in debt every year since 1776. In January 1835, for the first and only time in U.S.…
Where’s the Demand?
Very interesting thinking from The Economist‘s Democracy in America (whoever that is) on the (apparent) lack of demand in our current economy: …people … may not be interested in buying a new car this year, but … they’re very interested in riding the subway … There is demand out there. It just isn’t for individual consumer goods. This…