Line of the Week: “A better world is by definition not the world we live in.”

Will Wilkinson

This is a gem, IMO. It utterly undercuts the (a?) central premise of most “conservative’s” creed: the presumption that wherever we are now is where we should be — because it’s the best we’ve managed to work out so far, right?

I can only say that I’m extraordinarily happy that the British parliament of 1807, Abraham Lincoln, and Lyndon Johnson didn’t adhere to that creed.

Black Americans, I’m gonna guess, are a hell of a lot more happy about that than I am.






One response to “Line of the Week: “A better world is by definition not the world we live in.””

  1. jazzbumpa Avatar

    Jesus H. Christ, Kling is an idiot!

    It was Ike who started our involvement in Viet Nam.

    Now I must go hug a squid.