Category: Politics
Obama takes 62% in Texas, 53% in Ohio!
It seemed like I’d noticed Obama significantly outperforming the polls since February 5. Which led my curious mind to wonder if he might do so in Texas and Ohio as well. So I threw together an utterly unsophisticated spreadsheet to see what’s happened, and what might happen. It pretty much speaks for itself. The poll…
Paying More Taxes (again…)
Without actually using the word “hypocrite†Megan McArdle makes the following assertion in her latest post on people who are in favor of higher taxes, Tax me more. In other words, they don’t so much want higher taxes on themselves, as to purchase the good “State coercion of other affluent people”. I posted the following…
Superdelegates Don’t Matter
The pledged delegates will decide it. Neither the Dem powers-that-be nor the superdelegates will dream of countering the popular choice. It would be a nuclear meltdown in which they would be immolated. Why are the press and the bloggers spending so much time on this? There’s only one situation in which the superdelegates might have…
So 300 libertarians get on a commercial airliner
……..That’s the whole joke. Related posts: Is the Elasticity of Labor Demand at Zero?
Facts and “Healthy†Conservatism
Jim Manzi makes what some might consider a questionable statement: …healthy conservatism from Burke onwards has been the party of “facts trump theories†Let’s look at the three legs of the conservative stool: Supply-Side Economics: Based on a theory written on a napkin, contradicted by all the empirical evidence (read: "facts") as analyzed every which…
Why nominating Clinton would be a Very Bad Thing
Electability. There’s a damn good chance she could lose to McCain. She has the highest negative approval numbers of any candidate in polling history. (I don’t think she deserves that hatred, but there it is.) No presidential candidate with her negatives has ever won. She would turn out the Republicans in frantic droves. Obama would…
“You Deserve It”
I’m one of the lucky ones, even by American standards. My business partner and I built a company in the ’90s that created and ran professional conferences covering web design, web marketing, web advertising, and other frenzied subjects of the day. We were selling Levis to the gold miners. And we were lucky enough to…