Category: Politics
Not Blinking
My sister sez: I wish someone would make the point that, if you don't blink, you get a lot of sand in your eyes. Seems like that would make it kind of hard to see "the facts on the ground." Related posts: Ah: The Republicans Banned Earmarks! To claim “objectivism” at 20 is predictable. To…
Pro-Growth Republicans Revisited
In comments on my recent post–which discusses how the economy performs (much) better under Democratic presidents–my friend Steve uses a few different rather familiar arguments to undercut the import of the facts imparted therein. He claims first that presidents don’t have any effect on taxes and such–that congress controls the purse strings. But he acknowledges…
Inequality is Bad Because it Hurts the Republican Brand
I thought I'd pointed this out in a previous post, but apparently not. When you hear Republicans speaking negatively of America's extreme and growing inequality, it's only because it might hurt their brand and their electoral prospects. David Frum is the poster child. In this week's NYT Magazine, he's nice enough make my point for…
Pro-Growth Republicans? Get Real
Republicans like to claim that they’re the party of growth and prosperity. Even though all the facts say otherwise. I’ve pointed out repeatedly that when you compare a lot of developed countries over decades, you see that lower taxes and smaller government don’t result in faster growth. Tax cuts are an effective vote-buying political pander…
Corruption: Are Pubs Worse than Dems?
My friend Steve can’t resist taking a somewhat tangential jab at me regarding corruption: Dems versus Pubs. For those who aren’t in the know, he and I have had this conversation already, and after looking at his evidence, I found myself hard-pressed to argue that in the legislative branch, over decades, the Pubs are necessarily…
More Great Minds: Lincoln on “Conservatives”
From the Cooper Union speech. Emphasis mine. “But you say you are conservative – eminently conservative – while we are revolutionary, destructive, or something of the sort. What is conservatism? Is it not adherence to the old and tried, against the new and untried? We stick to, contend for, the identical old policy on the…
Palin for President: Be Afraid
I guess John McCain will do anything to (try to) win an election. He’ll even saddle his country with a president who knows nothing about foreign or military affairs. While we’re fighting two wars. I’ll just point to my previous post. Related posts: Insurgents surging in from inside and outside Why nominating Clinton would be…
Do Voters Prefer Death or Taxes?
Today's NYT/CBS poll gives the answer: Taxes. 67% of voters think it's "more important to provide health care coverage for all Americans" than to "hold down taxes." Related posts: Tea Partiers: Old, White, Rich, Educated Men Business Roundtable Proposes Obamacare to Restore American Competitiveness ‘Pubs Love Catastrophic Coverage. Too Bad the Free Market Doesn’t Provide…
Why Friday Night?
I've searched all over but haven't found any discussion of why they announced Biden on friday night/saturday morning. The exception: some wildly worded Aha! comments on right-wing blogs saying that the Obama team was forced into the announcement by a leak. (The leak, presumably, being secret service arriving at Biden's place?) It's common wisdom that…
McCain’s Tax Plan: You Call That “Conservative”?
I pointed out recently the horrific rise in the federal debt caused by the much-ballyhooed Reagan Revolution (with only a brief respite under Clinton)–a debt built on the apparent belief among so-called conservatives that we can borrow and spend our way to prosperity. It went from 34% of GDP in 1980 to nearly 70% today.…
Taxes: Obama vs. McCain
Here’s the best laid-out presentation I've seen, from the Washington Post. Sort of speaks for itself. Hat tip to Monte Asbury. Related posts: Embarrassed Republicans Admit They’ve Been Thinking Of Eisenhower Whole Time They’ve Been Praising Reagan The Macroeconomics of Chinese Kleptocracy Who Owns Congress? A Campaign Cash Seating Chart Clear-Eyed Sowellian “Realists” Hyperventilating. Again.…