Now (Also) Blogging at Angry Bear

Just a note to my gentle readers to let you know that in future I’ll also be blogging at Angry Bear, where I’ve done a couple of guest posts over the years. It’s a great blog that I’ve been following for a long time, and I’m honored to have been invited to join the Clan of the Angry Bear.

My first post as a Bear is here. I expect to put most of my posts up on both blogs, but on occasion — especially when I’m reprising material from here — I might post to only one or only the other.

But in any case I encourage you to add Angry Bear to your reader. I’ve gotten many remarkable insights from the experts there, and from the excellent community of commenters.






3 responses to “Now (Also) Blogging at Angry Bear”

  1. Ted K Avatar
    Ted K

    COOL. If you’re comfortable with it and it gets you more eyeballs, I’m all for it. I’ve always thought BaselineScenario might add some fellow bloggers as they sometimes might go for 3–4 days without posting as they are both busy with teaching and family. I guess you have to have quite a cohesive relationship to co-blog as people don’t like being associated with thoughts they disagree with or “being a part of the problem instead of the solution”. I suggested Jennifer Taub, I think Konczal would fit well with them, and even I elbowed them to get David Einhorn to guest post.

    Oh well, everybody has to fly how they feel comfortable.

  2. beowulf Avatar

    Excellent, the film deal can’t be far behind. :o)

  3. Asymptosis Avatar

    Yeah I just opened my Swiss account to deposit the massive inflows.